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A global community for ALF Approach case consultations online
The ALF AMP is a potent interdisciplinary, collaborative and integrative online educational platform. The Mentorship Program uses patient cases as the core curriculum to teach how to diagnose and treat complex craniofacial dysfunctions.
Join Dr. Tasha Turzo DO FCA and consulting dentists
Drs. Amy Luedemann DDS and Allison Adams DDS.
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What makes the ALF AMP so unique?
Dr. Turzo has taught & worked extensively in this field since 1996. Dr. Turzo is the author of “The ALF Approach” published in 2021 and was a founding member of the ALF Educational Institute. She is an internationally recognized expert in the application of osteopathy and functional dentistry, with a focus on the use of ALF devices and TMD.
Dr. Luedemann MS DDS has been a thought leader and innovator in the field of pediatric dentistry for over a decade. She transforms little lives with the ALF appliance as well as with powerful appliances of her own invention based on the ALF principles. She has completed over 250 pediatric ALF cases to date and currently has 250 active ALF cases.
A general dentist for over thirty years, Dr. Adams applies curiosity, big picture thinking and cutting edge technologies to treat and heal patients of all ages. She is a pioneer in the fields of airway-focused dentistry, facial growth guidance, myofunctional therapy and sleep apnea.
Are you a practitioner who impacts your patients’ facial growth?
Here's what we cover ...
The ALF Approach is a medically holistic, integrative approach to traditional orthodontics. The underlying etiologies of misaligned teeth, postural issues, airway compromises, craniofacial dysfunctions, and many other health and neuromuscular skeletal challenges are diagnosed and treated with the collaboration of a trained ALF dentist, osteopathic physician, and myofunctional therapist.
I'M READY! SIGN ME UP!The ALF Approach addresses:
The critical functions of nasal breathing, functional swallowing, and resting position of the tongue in the upper palate, as well as chewing as the basis for optimal facial form and dental postural health
The utmost importance of tongue function and nasal breathing to optimize the airway
The importance of a forward orthodontic treatment that increases the airway as it augments normal growth and development of the face
Treatment of influential somatic tissue injuries to the cranium and whole body leading to dysfunctions and compromise facial growth development
The paradigm shift needed to attain successful ALF cases is the osteopathic principle of recognizing function as the creator of the structure.
Once these dysfunctions are identified and integrated, not only is health restored, but the structure is transformed into a form which is biocompatible with its function. Thus, the dental occlusion will not need a lifetime of retainers because the integrated functions will constantly be supporting the transformed dental occlusion.
The ALF Approach Mentorship Program is the next step in your ALF Approach education.
Monthly Member: Your prerequisite is the online, on-demand ALF Approach course with Dr. Turzo or the in-person ALF Educational Institute Level 1 course with Dr. Turzo and Dr. Bronson DDS.
Annual Associate: Access to the ALF Approach course with Dr. Turzo is included in your membership.
Annual Associate
- Present at least two of your patient cases for consultation per year
- Access to the ALF Approach Course with core training
- Monthly meetings with seasoned and developing ALF practitioners
- Engage in discussion and Q & A about patient cases
- Learn to problem solve through difficulties from seasoned ALF dentist presenting finished ALF Approach cases
- Absorb topic specific lectures on the diagnosis and treatment of complex craniofacial dysfunction
- Access to ALL recordings of past ALF Approach Mentorship meetings
- Access to the ALF Approach Resource Library
One year commitment with instant access
The Annual Associate Membership will be limited to 25 ALF Practitioners for 2023. Register now to secure your 2023 admittance!
- Monthly meetings with seasoned and developing ALF practitioners
- Engage in discussion and Q & A about patient cases
- Learn to problem solve through difficulties from seasoned ALF dentist presenting finished ALF Approach cases
- Absorb topic specific lectures on the diagnosis and treatment of complex craniofacial dysfunction
- Access to the recording of the most recent ALF AMP Mentorship meeting
- Access to the ALF Approach Resource Library
One month commitment with instant access
MONTHLY ACCESS FOR ME!Want to know more?
How do the Case Presentations work?
As an Annual Associate preparing your patient case presentation, you will:
- Step One: Obtain the required patient photos and videos, and supporting information.
- Step Two: Fill out the required forms: The ALF Approach Patient Intake Form and Patient Photo/Video Release.
- Step Three: Share the information with us privately via google drive. We'll walk you through the exact steps inside the program.
Dr. Turzo and either Dr. Lazar-Luedemann or Dr. Adams will consult on your patient cases during the ALF AMP meeting.
What’s included in my access to the ALF Approach Resource Library?
The Resource Library will be constantly expanding as cutting-edge articles and videos are created. Both Annual Associates and Monthly Members can expect:
- "How to" ALF Approach educational videos
- Links to relevant resources
- Extensive list of supporting articles on pertinent topics
- Materials for patient education
What is the Mentorship Meeting Schedule?
Our meeting dates are scheduled through to the end of 2024 - mark your calendars now and join us live, on zoom. Each meeting runs from 8:30-10:30 am PST/PDT.
2024: Dec 20 .
2025: Jan 31 . Feb 28 . Mar 28 . Apr 25 . May 30 . June 27 . July 25 . Aug 29 . Sept 26 . Oct 31 . Nov 21 . Dec 29 .
Choose your Membership
Member pricing is secured at the time you join and is in effect for as long as you are a member. If you cancel and return in the future, you'll be subject to whatever price the membership is at that time.
Frequently Asked Questions
Disclaimer: The information and training materials provided on this website are for informational purposes only and should not be construed or used as a substitute for professional advice. Our training programs are designed to provide you with valuable knowledge and skills. However, we cannot guarantee any specific results or outcomes, and our professional training program does not offer accredited degrees or certifications.